You could see different prices for the same product, as it could be listed by many Sellers.
    Yes, it's necessary to log into your plusone shoppe account to shop. Shopping as a logged-in user is fast & convenient and also provides extra security. You'll have access to a personalised shopping experience including recommendations and quicker check-out.
    The products listed as 'Out of Stock' or 'Temporarily Unavailable' are not available for sale. Please use the 'Notify Me' feature to be informed of the product's availability with sellers on plusone shoppe
    The products listed as 'Out of Stock' or 'Temporarily Unavailable' are not available for sale. Please use the 'Notify Me' feature to be informed of the product's availability with sellers on plusone shoppe
    An item is marked as 'Out of stock' when it is not available with any sellers at the moment; you won't be able to buy it now. Use 'Notify Me' feature to know once it's available with sellers for purchase.
    yes, there is a filter available
    There are NO hidden charges when you shop on Plusone shoppe. The price you see on the product page is final and it's exactly what you pay. Note: There can be additional delivery charges based on the seller's policy.

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